Hi Friends! Now that it is December, I guess we should recognize that Thanksgiving happened and it was most fun this year. True story friends. Being as it is the first holiday for which we were not going to be back in California or with family, I would say it was magical. Just what we […]

Cassidy and I just got back on Sunday from our first trip back to visit since we moved up here to Seattle. The funny part is, we left on Saturday morning to come down. We were there roughly twenty four hours. It was a whirlwind of fun. We came down as part of a surprise […]

Yep. It was me, Cassidy, the nerd who got homesick. I have what people would call a very nuclear family. There are four of us (well, not when you count every cousin, uncle, yada yada, but you get the point,) and we are pretty darn close I would say. We are open, and hang out, […]

Hello there everybody! It’s been awhile since we’ve had a post on here and an even longer while since I have done one. So, I thought to myself, why not? Things are going well for us up here. We have been here for two months now and I don’t think we could be happier. Especially […]

Hey Friends! Tis the lady of the blog posting this morning. I look out our little kitchen window, coffee and Charlie the unicorn at my side, and see that notorious Seattle fog and a slight breeze blows through. This is what Seattle is supposed to be like. SQUEE!!! The last couple of weeks have been […]

Hello! It has been just over a week since Cassidy and I have moved to Seattle. We are settling in nicely, getting to know our new surroundings, and enjoying our time together. Our drive up here was tough, but we made it. Along the way we took some videos of some of the things that […]

Hello everyone! dAVE here. Cassidy and I are heading to sleep before we get up to head out on our new adventure. We wanted to take a moment to write a post together, a first in Nerds on the Move history. Most likely, by the time you read this most we should be well on […]

The packing has begun friends and it is AWFUL. How does one enjoy this? Oh wait, they don’t, unless you do, at which point you should message us and we will pay you to do it for us. I can’t decide which part is the worst about it, the actual packing of boxes, the clutter […]

The extra “B” is for bass fishing! No? How about blam-tastic? Can you believe that? Well, just know that we just had a going away BBQ and it was lots of fun. So much so that it deserves an extra letter. Cassidy and I wanted to have a chance to get people together and have […]

For serious. Things got super real this week. Howdy friends, family, and internet stalkers! Tis moi, Cassidy, trying to muster the courage to write this post, because lately I’m having a hard time keeping it together. Alas! The  blog must go on! Last week, we signed the lease to an awesome studio in the downtown […]